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Dedication to

His Grace the

Twelfth Duke of Argyll

Sir Ian Campbell, 12th Duke of Argyll, First Patron of the Noble Society of Celts

     Sir Ian Campbell, 12th Duke of Argyll was born on 28 August 1937.  He was the son of Sir Ian Douglas Campbell, 11th Duke of Argyll and Louise Hollingsworth Morris Clews. He married Iona Mary Colquhoun, daughter of Sir Ivar Iain Colquhoun of Luss, 8th Bt. and Kathleen Nimmo Duncan, on 4 July 1964. He died on 21 April 2001 at age 63.
     Sir Ian Campbell, 12th Duke of Argyll was educated at Le Rosey. He was educated at Glenalmond College, Perthshire, Scotland. He was invested as a Fellow, Royal Society of Arts (F.R.S.A.) in 1953. He was educated at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He gained the rank of Captain in the service of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. He was a director of Aberlour Glenlivet Distillery Company, White Heather Distillers, and Muir Mackenzie & Company in 1973. He succeeded to the title of 12th Duke of Argyll [S., 1701] on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 5th Duke of Argyll [U.K., 1892] on 7 April 1973. He held the position of Chief of Clan Campbell (Mac Cailein Mor) on 7 April 1973. He held the office of Keeper of the Great Seal [Scotland] on 7 April 1973. He held the office of Keeper of Dunstaffnage, Carrick, Tarbert and Dunoon Castles on 7 April 1973. He held the office of Hereditary Grand Master of the Royal Household [Scotland] on 7 April 1973. He held the office of Admiral of the Western Coasts and the Isles on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 12th Lord of Inverary, Mull, Morvern and Tirie [S., 1701] on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 21st Earl of Argyll [S., 1457] on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 12th Viscount of Lochow and Glenyla [S., 1701] on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 12th Marquess of Kintyre and Lorn [S., 1701] on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 12th Earl of Campbell and Cowall [S., 1701] on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 21st Lord Lorne [S., 1470] on 7 April 1973. He gained the title of 15th Lord of Kintyre [S., 1626] on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 22nd Lord Campbell [S., 1445] on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 14th Baronet Campbell, of Lundy in Angus, co. Forfar [N.S., 1627] on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 8th Baron Sundridge, of Coomb Bank, Kent [G.B., 1766] on 7 April 1973. He succeeded to the title of 9th Baron Hamilton of Hameldon, co. Leicester [G.B., 1776] on 7 April 1973. He was admitted to Royal Company of Archers. He was invested as a Knight, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (K.St.J.) in 1975. He was Chairman of Beinn Bhuidhe Holdings in 1977. He was honorary Colonel of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Battalion, Army Cadet Force between 1981 and 1991. He was a director of S. Campbell & Son in 1982. He held the office of Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Argyll and Bute between 1987 and 1994. He held the office of Lord-Lieutenant of Argyll and Bute between 1994 and 2001. He lived in 1999 at Inverary Castle, Argyllshire, Scotland.  He served as Noble Advisor to the Noble Society of Celts from its inception until his death in 2001.


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The Noble Society of Celts, Inc.

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Noble Society of Celts

4055 Dolphin Circle

Colorado Springs, CO 80918

©2022 by The Noble Society of Celts, Inc. 

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